Member Area
Do you want to get ahead in your diving career?
Manage your diving certifications
It's simple, efficient and complimentary!
For Divers
The innovative ProTec Member Area with an easy-to-navigate/use interface is a powerful online solution.
It provides:
- flexible online course enrollment
- overview and selection of our course program offered by all ProTec centers. You may enroll for your course of choice direct at the right center
- access to your diving certifications

For Instructors & beyond
You like to bring your diving experience to the new level? You enjoy working with people and want to share your experience?
Apply for a ProTec Instructor and benefit from ProTec Members Area, which provides you:
- easily record and manage your student divers
- flexible online course enrollment
- complete access to your diving certifications
- simple overview and selection of diving centers
Manage your staff and your customer's dive courses
Manage your diving courses & course participants
For Dive Centers
ProTec Member Area simplifies and automates your administration work, making it easy to:
- manage your dive-students / instructors / sub-centers
- manage your courses offered
- eliminates paperwork and supports communication between all parties involved (ProTec, your dive center, instructors and divers)
- Increases and facilitates your business productivity with just the click of a few buttons rather than many pages of documents

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